female patient in a restorative dentistry office smiling after getting dental implants

Dental Implants in Ferris, TX

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Leaving a missing tooth untreated can lead to other health issues as well as greatly affect your self-esteem.  Dental Implants replace missing teeth, preserve bone and give you your smile back. The implant procedure is minimally invasive and can be performed by Dr. Williams, our experienced cosmetic dentist in Ferris, TX.

How Do Dental Implants Work?

Dental implants are made up of two parts. A small titanium post is inserted into the jawbone to replace the roots of the missing tooth, and a porcelain crown is attached to the post to replace the actual missing tooth. The crowns are custom-made and designed to mirror your natural tooth.

In some cases, implants may need to fuse with the bone for several months before the crown is installed, and each dental implant case is unique. Patients can also opt to have a temporary crown placed and a new set of teeth on the same day the implant is fitted.

Missing multiple teeth? You may benefit from All On Four Dental Implants.

Am I a Candidate for Dental Implants?

If you have good overall health, then you are likely a suitable candidate for dental implants. You should have teeth that are free of gum disease and decay. You should also have adequate bone mass in your jaw to provide an ideal foundation for your dental implants.

If you don’t have adequate bone mass in your jaw, then a bone graft is required before the placement of your dental implants. If you have suffered from too much bone loss, you will most likely not qualify for dental implants.  If you are a smoker, you may not qualify either. Call our dental office in Ferris, TX, today to schedule a consultation and see if you are a candidate for dental implants.

What Are the Advantages of Dental Implants?

Dental implants have become the go-to tooth replacement solution for many people around the world, thanks to the advanced dental implant technology we see today. Dental implants have many advantages over other tooth replacement options because of their latest innovations.

Dental implants provide the following advantages:

  • Dental implants last a lifetime
  • They behave and act like natural teeth
  • They prevent bone loss
  • You’ll be at less risk of premature aging and facial sagging
  • They help keep gums disease free
  • Adjacent teeth are secured by the dental implants
  • The success rate of dental implants is 95% to 98% when placed by an experienced dentist
  • Dental implants are easy to care for, just like your natural teeth
  • Dental implants improve your mental health and confidence 
  • You’ll be able to enjoy food and beverages again without restrictions

What Are the Disadvantages of Dental Implants?

Although the advantages of dental implants outweigh the disadvantages, as with every dental treatment, there are some downsides:

  • Dental implants may require several visits to Dr. Williams
  • Dental implants can cost more than other tooth-replacement options
  • A small procedure is required with the use of a local or general anesthetic
  • There is a low risk for complications associated with nerve, blood vessels, and tooth damage
  • Dental implants are not suited for candidates who:
    • Are unhealthy
    • Smoke
    • Have a smaller jaw structure
    • Have a health condition that affects bone mass

Your dental implant dentist, Dr. Williams in Ferris, TX, will put your mind at ease and happily speak with you about the risks of dental implants.

How do I take Care of My Dental Implants?

For you to have a gorgeous smile and reap the benefits of your dental implants, you need to ensure that you practice good dental implant care and oral hygiene daily. Here are a few tips for the maintenance and care of your dental implants:

  • Floss daily
  • Avoid abrasive teeth cleaning products
  • Use a soft nylon toothbrush
  • Avoid hard and sticky foods
  • Avoid smoking
  • Schedule regular follow-up visits with Dr. Williams

What Is the Dental Implant Procedure?

Dental implant procedures require multiple steps for three to nine months. You may need the assistance of several dental specialists, including an oral surgeon and periodontist before your treatment is complete. 

Here is what you can expect from your dental implant procedure:

  • Evaluation
  • Placing the implant
  • Osseointegration
  • Abutment placement
  • Placement of the tooth

What Are the Costs Of Dental Implants?

The cost of dental implants varies in each individual situation. A single-tooth implant costs between $2,000 to $6,000. Multiple dental implants may be required for you; however, the cost of each tooth will be lower because some costs are applied once.

If you require bone grafting, this will increase the cost of your treatment. 

Give our dental office a call to schedule a consultation and discuss which dental implant treatment is best for you as well as what the cost will be for your unique situation.

What Are the Alternatives to Dental Implants?

If you can’t go ahead with dental implants because of oral health issues or costs, Dr. Williams at our Ferris office will consult with you to provide the best alternative treatment plan to replace your missing teeth.

Here are some tooth replacement alternatives we offer our patients:

  • Dentures
  • Bridges
  • Snap-on dentures
  • Implant bridges
  • Mini Dental Implants

Start Your Smile Journey Today With Dental Implants in Ferris, TX

If you would like to learn more about our high-quality, affordable dental implants, give us a call or schedule a consultation today! Our friendly staff will happily assist you. 

Dr. Williams and the team look forward to meeting you and starting your smile journey together!

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